Goose Island Beer Co Hazy Sundae Jeremiah Shalo 1
Goose Island Beer Co Hazy Sundae Jeremiah Shalo 1

The Chicago Hazy IPA series celebrates what makes Chicago iconic. Each can illustrates uniquely imagined locations inspired by the city's identifiable architecture and cultural energy.

Goose Island Beer Co.
Packaging • Illustration • Lettering
Illustrator • Designer
Photo: Mike Ando
Photo & Video: Goose Island
PM: Varyer
Goose Island Beer Co Chicago Hazy Series Jeremiah Shalo 2 Goose Island Beer Co Hazy Sundae Jeremiah Shalo 3
Goose Island Beer Co Hazy Sundae Jeremiah Shalo 13
Goose Island Beer Co Hazy Sundae Jeremiah Shalo 14
Goose Island Beer Co Hazy Sundae Jeremiah Shalo 9
Goose Island Beer Co Hazy Sundae Jeremiah Shalo 11
Goose Island Beer Co Hazy Sundae Jeremiah Shalo 8
Goose Island Beer Co Hazy Sundae Jeremiah Shalo 6 Goose Island Beer Co Hazy Sundae Jeremiah Shalo 7
Goose Island Beer Co Hazy Sundae Jeremiah Shalo 12